мой результат
You're a "Blue Angel". You're a smarter one than most and are the more logical than anyone you know. You also have very strong morals that you stick to through it all and you'd stand up for whatever you believe in even if no one else agrees. You're a little bit shy around people but you love to be with lots of people anyway. You have appreciation for things like music or poetry or art. You yourself can sing or write fairly well but only for yourself. You're very thoughtful and people love how creative you are. (If you cannot see the picture, go to my homepage and scroll down near the bottom. I have the results from all my quizess that have pics)
что-то мне подсказывало, что именно так и будет... этот цвет меня преследует. надо переходить на сторону светлых и становиться Сейлор-Меркури.